The aim was to improve access to care for mothers and children in low resource settings by building capacities of frontline healthcare workers to manage reproductive, maternal and child health.
We, at Empower helped Paramount Products with the following:
Developed eLearning materials on topics including Violence against women and sexual harassment; Menstrual hygiene and health; ANC and PNC; Family planning and various methods of contraception/birth control; and safe abortion counselling and techniques
Delivered virtual training and capacity building workshops to train healthcare staff at the factory level on building knowledge around the area of SRHR and become ‘SRHR Champions’, to further train female factory workers at the rural level on overall SRHR issues
The primary aim was to empower women towards a more fulfilling life through workplace-based interventions on health, financial inclusion, and gender equality. This initiative also brought gender parity and opened doors for economic opportunities for women workers by ensuring sustainability in the system as well as society.

Africa has some of the lowest contraceptive prevalence rates and highest maternal mortality. Empower under the MTaPS program is building capacities of frontline healthcare workers on Pharmaceutical System and the importance in improving the MNCH indicators like preventing deaths, and the number of diseases in the population.
Empower has designed and developed eLearning courses for multiple countries to tackle MNCH program issues - to increase capacity, skill, and understanding of various frontline healthcare workers and eventually reduce MNCH mortality rates.
Importance of sanitation in a world that is struggling to break the rapid spread of COVID-19, cannot be stressed enough. Sanitary and hygiene practices directly affect the health of individuals. Poor sanitation in the country is often a result of the unavailability of resources and lack of awareness among the people.

Project with Save the Children (funded by Unilever), India in the field of hand hygiene, sanitation for infection and prevention control covering the last mile (including mothers, children, schoolteachers, frontline health workers)

WASH emphasizes the teaching of basic sanitation and hygiene to communities at large with a particular focus on access to clean water, basic toilets, and good hygiene practices. With more than 450 million rural population in India, only 45% have access to handwashing facilities with soap.
Empower has developed the e-learning course on prevention of infection and management of COVID-19, prioritizing hand hygiene techniques with focus on hand washing with soap and water. The objective of this course is to train the frontline staff on effective infection prevention, including COVID-19.

Empower partnered with IFRC and the Ghana Red Cross Society to support digital transformation in Ghana through a digital learning and capacity-building initiative, training health professionals and volunteers in WASH and humanitarian crisis. The initiative was aligned with the IFRC’s digital transformation strategy, emphasizing the impact of digital technology in delivering humanitarian aid, valuable during Covid-19 and beyond.

Strong disease surveillance systems are critical to achieving universal health coverage (UHC), given that they provide governments and public health decision-makers with the data they need to ensure that all people and communities have access to health services. This data is particularly important in the context of infectious disease outbreaks, during which government officials must act quickly and decisively to prevent the spread.
Training and capacity building for strengthening LMIS and supply chain skills for vaccine supply chain management in Senegal, (funded by Logistimo and supported by GAVI)

Empower, in collaboration with GAVI, is supporting the immunization program of the Ministry of Health, Senegal. The program focuses on training healthcare staff in hospitals and clinics across the country on the use of new software that will help reduce wastage and improve efficiency across the supply chain.
What we did?
- Deployment and Training: Trainers from central, regional and district level were trained on how to use a new software system for supply chain management and how to train end-users on the same.
- User support and monitoring: Once users are trained and entities are live, we started the monitoring and supporting the users
Globally, more than two billion people, including women and children, do not get the micronutrients they need to survive and thrive. The impacts of micronutrient deficiencies are devastating for individuals, families, and entire countries. COVID-19 has further strained the health systems, which has led to severe and widespread increase in global food insecurity and acute food shortage in almost every country.

Empower engaged with GAIN's nutrition programs in India and Nigeria to implement effective and sustainable food fortification interventions at scale, using creative yet applicable ways of improving the capacities of industry personnel, government officials, food safety officials, technical food fortification professionals, and academia on food and micronutrient analysis.

Empower has designed Incremental Learning Approach (ILA) by developing eLearning courses and learning management systems with an intent to professionalize the workforce. Our accredited and certified training programme trains technical staff involved in food fortification and micronutrient analysis activities.
In 2021, countries dealing with existing humanitarian crises or emergencies are particularly exposed to the effects of COVID-19. Responding swiftly to the pandemic, while ensuring that humanitarian and recovery assistance reaches those most in need, is critical.
Empower supported various projects addressing public health issues in areas affected by conflict and natural disasters.

COVID-19 and supply chain: Longer-term strengthening of public health supply chains and improving country-level pandemic preparedness to help provide better access to supplies for vulnerable populations. Today, health supply chains face new and unprecedented threats from global pandemic outbreaks including COVID-19 that often occur in the world’s most vulnerable areas. Moreover, across the world, an estimated 2 billion people currently do not have access to essential supplies

Empower is supporting Johnson and Johnson Global Health in developing supply chain management education package for frontline healthcare workers working at the primary healthcare centre at the last mile (including pharmacists, nurses, midwives, community health workers) to understand the health commodity/ vaccine supply chain, and its related challenges, addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. This engagement focuses on making health systems more resilient and enhance their ability to absorb and respond to health shocks by improving existing supply chains.